Most of us have a boatload of “stuff” to do on a regular basis. The range of “stuff” in some ways mirrors the range of life experiences we may have on any given day- maybe even in an hour of any given day!
Perhaps we have to do the mundane, such as taking out the trash, doing the laundry, making that doctor’s appointment or paying bills. We may have some tasks to accomplish that inspire dread, such as initiating a conversation with an employee or boss about a mistake or a work-related challenge, taking steps to repair an important relationship, or going to the DMV to renew a driver’s license (Worst. Place. Ever.). Some of what we aim to take on relates to bigger picture aspirations, calling forth a curious mixture of discomfort, fear and excitement. Think starting that book you’ve always talked about writing, applying for that job that makes no sense but that makes your heart soar, enrolling a company in leading a workshop, taking steps to start a business, or jumping out of an airplane.
What do all of these “to dos” have in common? Doing any of these things gives us something. When we accomplish something, we create an experience for ourselves. The small things may give us a small sense of satisfaction and free up energy for other tasks. Handling the mundane gives us space and power to devote our time to what we really care about. When we do things we have to do but that we dread, we can learn that we are stronger than we think. When we take action towards dream-level goals, well… we are downright badasses- giddy, strong, potentially nauseated, but definitely present to our agency and the power we all have to step outside our comfort zones and create a future that is unpredictable based on our past.
We have those moments when we are motivated to do the thing, to move towards the goal, to act. We are inspired and ready. It’s on. But have you noticed that the window of opportunity is narrow? It’s on, but then it’s very quickly off. Even though we KNOW how sweet it is to just do the stuff, human nature has us avoiding doing stuff. We have all kinds of reasons and excuses. That stuff is boring, annoying, uninspiring, hard, scary, impossible. Take your pick. We self-sabotage in myriad ways and get in our own way of doing the things. We stop. Or maybe we don’t even start.
Coaching supports people to achieve their goals in innumerable ways, one of which is to “Do it now.” In many a coaching session with clients, when we’ve co-created an action to support some awareness that has been generated, I will say: “Great. Do you want to do it now?” There is built-in support and accountability in the moment. It’s powerful.
The trick is to move the needle before that window of opportunity closes. But “do it now” does not have to mean do it alone with no support. Here are some tips to support you to do it now:
1. Hire me as your coach (shameless plug).
2. For the bigger “stuff”, create a visual display of your what for. What would writing that book mean to you? Look at it regularly. Soak it in.
3. Share your goals with your “team.” Ask them to hold you accountable.
4. Post written reminders in visible places (bathroom mirror; refrigerator door; over your computer).
5. Create a daily schedule that supports you to handle the little stuff and move forward on the bigger stuff.
What are the costs of avoidance?
The clock is ticking. No more waiting. Do. It. Now!
Tags: Coaching, Inspiration, Tips