Thank you so much for such an amazing year! Thank you for holding such beautiful space and holding my heart when it felt like it was beating outside of my body. You are generosity, curiosity, creation, revolution, divinity, femininity, brilliance, genuine love and power and light!

Thank you for holding my hand and shining that beautiful light into some of my darkest places. You are such an example of fearless self-trust and self-sourcing. I will never be the same because of the work we did together. You are so beautiful, stunning, radiant! Thank you for sharing that with me and for sharing yourself with the world! You are an atmosphere changer and a perspective elevator.

Thank you for connection me with my life purpose of love and for helping cement me more deeply and intimately with my body and my desires. You loving and accepting me is what opened the door for me to love and accept myself more openly and freely. You will always have a piece of my heart and my deepest gratitude.

I love you always in all ways,